Feedback & Reviews
Photo Credit Steve Cross
“He was very interesting, I liked the unusual facts like injecting frogs with urine”
— A-Level Student
“Very fun and I liked how interactive it was. The parts about health inequality was really eye opening”
— Chemistry teacher
“ I honestly feel like Alex could be on TV with a science show. He has such a gift for making science not only accessible but exciting.”
— Gemma Wright, Head of Creative Learning, Warwick Arts Centre
Alex speaking at the Ri
Prof. Vas Stavros, University of Birmingham
“Alex’s public engagement is truly a tour de force and this is fuelled by his unrivalled passion for communicating how chemistry (and science) can impact our lives”
A-Level Chemistry Student
“Super interesting speaker, pitched at the right level and very relevant with regards to the pandemic and loved that it was to do with inequality”
“Dr Baker provided a fantastic and inspiring demonstration which captivated not only the children, but the adults in the room too. It was thrilling and informative and we hope he will visit us again in the future to inspire more young scientists.”
— Primary School Science teacher
“As director and anchorman of one of our online projects, his talent for taking scientific academic research and repackaging it in an engaging, and inspirational way for the audience, is nothing short of brilliant and a pleasure to support.”
— Elise Bennett, Research officer
“Alex’s example of making science fun, engaging and interesting has inspired our department to re-invigorate it’s outreach and WP activities - Alex is acting as the key consultant in this re-emergence of activity.”
— Prof. Scott Habershon, University of Warwick
“Alex is a natural communicator and has a great grasp of what young audiences will find engaging. He also has a real talent for writing scripts and designing demos that work well in the Butterworth Hall - capacity 1500. This is not something that comes easily to many of the lecturers we work with, so Alex’s understanding of stagecraft makes him a great addition to our programme.”
— Paul Warwick, China Plate Theatre Company

Photo Credit - Andy Gray & Peter Marsh at Ashmore Visuals